Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday and Beyond

Tonight Boo and I went to Steak N Shake then went to see This Is It.

This Is It made me so happy/so sad all at the same time.

Boo and I are huge MJ fans ( so much so that our processional and recessional are going to be MJ songs - yes even before his death we decided this - it only happens to be coincidental that we will be getting married one year from the exact date of his death).

That man was such a talent and that concert would have been AMAZING - it is so sad that its never going to be seen to fruition.

This weekend there are no real plans for me. Boo has plans with friends in the afternoon tomorrow so I'm planning to enjoy some light shopping in the morning followed by a mani and then home to actually spend some time in my home by my lonesome. I can't even begin to tell you when the last time I experienced that was - so I'm definitely looking forward to a breathe and reboot.

Well gals I'm off for a back rub from my boo! Have a good weekend all!

Miss Amber Lane

(PS I'm sorry for the lack of substantial content- I feel writing everyday for Nablopomo while setting the habit for frequent blogging- is stripping me of my natural ebb and flow - I'm going to stick with it but don't expect posts everyday like clock work come December!)

1 comment:

Leigh Hutchens Burch said...

I could really go for some shoe string cheese fries right about now.
