I liked the idea so much that I thought I would share who I think would be my bffs!

Penny of The Big Bang Theory
We would get along great because we both know what its like to be around guys who are complete dorks- though completely charming and although initially we could care less about the nerdisms that are cherished by our closest guy friends- every now and then we find our selves sucked right on in and displaying a few of our own nerdisms. We would totally get each other's position in life (much like Shawdee and I do!)

Bridget Marquardt of The Girls Next Door and Bridgets Sexiest Beaches
Ok technically this is cheating...she's a real person - but I've said it before and I'll say it again Bridge and I would be BFFs for life if we met ( and maybe were a bit closer in age).
We both love to dress up, wear bright colors, Halloween, throwing parties, decorating, and getting super, squealy excited over things that most people probably don't think are really that exciting.

Margene of Big Love
She's the youngest of the wives and constantly finds herself fighting to find her place and to be taken seriously - something I am all to familiar with. Its hard to be young and have lots of responsibilities and I could totally relate to that. She's also pretty darn perky and optomistic and I like that.
Of course there would be more I really had to think of them but I won't bore you with the details.
Looking back over the pictures I realized I must want to start my own blondetourage- all that blonde hair! Oh well- birds of a feather!
Nighty Night
Miss Amber Lane