1. Yay! It's Friday! I have no big plans- if the weather is yucky tomorrow I plan manicure, ring cleaning/inspection, Hobby Lobby, Bridal Salon with Emily, housework, cooking, and bridal shower game planning. If its sunny I plan pool.
2. I am too old/ have eaten too many choc. chip cookies in the past week to be wearing low rise jeans today - low rise jeans- how ar ethey ever a good idea- they are designed to barely cover your butt- and I'm suffering for that today.
3. Am taking residents to vintage ice cream shop in half hour - yumm-o!
4. Megan's bridal shower take 2 is Sunday
5. All the posts about fall and fall decor are making me super excited for the weather turning crispy - although I'm not sure I'm quite ready for pools to close and my tan to fade - oh well I have a tanning package - I'll just fake bake.
6. Looking for the perfect engagement picture dress/accessories - we are having them done the week of Labor Day - I hope that the weather is perfect and comfortable but I'm guessing high 80's and rain- I kid you not I will reschedule.
7. Searching for the perfect, non-promy, yet delightfully BIG hair style for Megan's wedding
8. Need to tidy my desk at work DESPERATELY -it is so unlike me to let things get messy
9. No Friday evening plans- Boo and I have cut way back on extraneous spending due to prior freak out on my behalf about actually paying for our wedding and not draining our savings.
10. Want to do a major home rearrange/decoration since it looks as though we will be staying put until at least after the wedding (BOO!)
11. We need a new arm chair for our living room. Our hand-me-down from the Bothe's has bit the dust.
12. Am feeling the need for change - not in appearance but in home/work/etc.
13. Looking for the perfect Halloween costume and hoping it involves thigh high boots because I really, really, really want a pair to add to my boot collection! Myhaps some type of vamp?
14. Project Runway premiere last night- Fabulous!
15. Did I mention I'm so glad its the weekend, cuz I am!
Happy Friday!
Miss Amber Lane
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Taboo or Not Taboo, That Is The Question
I'm going to talk about something here that may be a bit controversial to some of you depending on how you feel about this matter. Its a sensitive subject and I welcome any and all to have and share your opinions on this with me just as I am about to do with you now.
With that being said; I have to say this in the way that I said it to Boo 5 minutes ago:
"Dead baby pictures...really?!?
Let me clarify....
I am deeply saddened for the families who have experienced the loss of a child-especially a brand new baby. I can not even begin to fathom the strength it must take to suffer through such heart ache and to still maintain such infallible faith. Its only understandable that these families want to capture what they can of their child in the painfully short time that they are able to have with them- once they have passed; but what am unable to process are the video montages of these sweet babies post mortem.
And they're appearing in blogs EVERYWHERE!
I'm so sad for these families that have lost these children and understand that this is a way for them to celebrate the little life that was unable to be and to share their spiritual joy for an innocent life being called to Jesus- but is posting video and pictures of this child appropriate?
Maybe it is. I don't know, maybe its just me. But I tell you what; if people started posting pictures posed with Uncle Bob dead in his hospital bed or of Grandma in her casket there would be a big response to that- and I'm going to bet it wouldn't be the lot of us weeping into our hankies as photos of Dear Late Uncle Bob splashed across our computer screen to the tune of, "Arms of an Angel" - it would be more like a mess of bloggers reporting the "sickos" posting the pictures to the police for alleged necrophilia! What makes deceased babies different?
I don't mean to be insensitive (although I'm sure I'm coming off just that way) what I mean to say is, I don't know about you guys but I didn't know this was an ok thing to do and when I come across it (by mistake- believe you me!) my stomach feels like its going to display the contents of my lunch all over the keyboard- its not the sweet baby that makes me feel that way-
itst death in and of its self being (no -pun intended) immortalized on blogger for anyone and everyone to see- and I mean if you were those parents/families wouldn't you want to keep those few precious moments sacred to your heart and not provide fodder to any perv who types "Dead Baby" into google? Take all the pictures you want, hold your sweet baby until your arms fall off but at the very least make your blog friends only or provide a disclaimer somewhere near the top.
I'm just saying.
So, if you don't all hate me by now- I invite you to share your thoughts on the matter: ok, not ok, none of my business?
I mean coming to blogger I would've (and still do) consider this type of posting very taboo but apparantly there is a whole network of bloggers who are sharing their grief in this manner- and I am so happy they can support one another - I'm just not sure here.
I have other things to share with blogger about life at present but I can't imagine it would be appropriate to type about the everyday happenings of Amber Lane with such serious subject matter- so I shall return at a later time.
To close I reiterate that I do not mean this post to belittle the grief of these families who have experienced such a loss but to test the waters of other bloggers who may have also encountered such blogs.
Love to all!
Miss Amber Lane
Monday, August 17, 2009

Whew! This weekend was jam-packed! I came into work this morning not feeling the least bit rested and wishing for a slow, rainy day. Instead I've been faced with an action packed, sunshiny, HOT day. Oh well, when life gives you lemons.....
Saturday I woke up bright and early and headed out to the BMV to renew my liscense and tags. I arrived at about 8:15 to no lines and no wait - only to find out that there machines were down and weren't expected to be up and runnning until 9am. The wait wasn't so bad and at least the machines did go back up at 9am on the nose so I zipped on through and actually came out of there with a pretty cute picture (though the poor photography makes my face look super tan/red) and who knew- Ohio has revamped their liscense and guess what?!?!? They're pink! I think that's pretty fab.
Because of the delay at the BMV I was late meeting my mom for lunch and shopping but it all worked out and off we went to a cute little tea room near Dayton. Lunch was yummy we both had quicshe and strawberrry soup. Then we shopped in their cute little gift shop for Vera Bradley and Boyds Bears. After lunch we headed to Trader's World Flea Market where we bought junk food and....well that's about it. We browsed some of the hand made bridal goods but I'm not particularly sold - or sold at all really - don't get me wrong I love hand made goodies and especially the goods at Etsy- but the things at this particular flea market is its like Red Neck Etsy - its almost good, with just an edge of tacky. So I'll probably have to pass. I mean you know if someone says that they just finised a Country Western themed wedding I'M personally not in the right place.
After the Palacia De Flea we hopped across the road to the brand new outlet mall that opened last week and I fell in love. Cincinnati Premium Outlets are my new favorite shopping destination and I kid you not everyone on my gift list will be getting something Coach. I've never been to a Coach outlet and I just can't believe how amazing the prices are! We strolled the whole place and left just before closing and just in time for dinner which we did casually at Bob Evans. I've recently discovered that I LOVE chicken salad and theirs is pretty darn tasty! By the time I got home it was almost 10 pm and I was completely spent. I snuggled Boo on the couch for a few minutes and went to bed!
Sunday I also got up early- went shopping for Meg's first shower present and a treat for myself. Then while Ben and his dad fixed our bathroom sink, I went to Meg's shower. I am now officially excited for her and for her wedding! Her family is essentially my family so its going to be a blast! Once the shower was over I came back home to a cranked up ac (thank God!) and Emily came over for our Sunday detox and evening True Blood. Only three episodes left until the season finale and this season is really hot - if you watch you'll know what I mean when I say I love Bill but Eric is H-O-T and if I were Sookie- that's the direction I would go...fo sho!
Alright well I need to enjoy my lunch while I still have time so until next time....
Miss Amber Lane
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