Joining up with Neely at a
Complete Waste of Make Up for Sunday Social - this week is 4 things...
1. 4 Favorite Things To Do On a Weekend:
Let me preface this answer with my "weekend" is Tuesday and Wednesday and I have a bonus day off on Saturdays. At least from my "day job". This past actual weekend I had a show Friday night and Sunday evening as well so there really is not true weekend.
1.Sleep in for sure! I know they say that you should try to get up the same time on weekends the same time that you during the week but that just aint gonna happen. Especially when we have shows that last until midnight or later. I have to catch up on my zzzzs somewhere!
2.Kayak. I love to kayak! Went for the first time of the season last Wednesday. Ah heaven!
3. Shop. I love to shop but I'm a lone shopper. I could spend hours sauntering around, pawing through racks and I don't need someone to rush me!
4. Dancing, dinner, drinks with friends and a certain Rockstar!
2. 4 Favorite Things About Your Best Friends:
I've talked about my best friends before and how they're from all different walks of my life so I'll list one thing about each of my best friends (sorry gonna be more than 4)...
1. Emily: is my soul mate. Very rarely do you meet someone who is so much like you, you know that they will understand everything about you. We share similar taste in movies, books, music, clothes etc.
2. Rachel: Soooo funny. I never laugh so hard in my life as when I'm with Rachel. Her humor is wrapped up in her intelligence - she's kind of a female Seth Mcfarlane and errrybody knows how much I love me some Seth! I'm also so proud of Rachel's weight loss journey thus far! I know she's lost 60+ lbs already and still kicking ass! Trying to convince her to blog about it... hint, hint!
3. Megan: is family. We've been friends since we were 6. We've had our ups and downs but we came out strong. I know I can count on her for anything.
4. Jessica: Always true to her word. If Jessica tells you in 2006 that she's coming with you to Miami in 2011 she'll be calling you near the end of 2010 to start booking flights even if you haven't talked about that trip since you hatched it over margaritas 5 years earlier. She's also so creative and artistic.
5. Jennifer: God love her she's a pain in my ass but she won't give up on me. I'm not a big phone talker, I'm not the greatest at keeping in touch but she's always on me to call and/or hang out.
Doesn't really show his face so I figured fair game.... |
6. The Rockstar: I spend 99.9% of my free time with this man and he is truly the person I am closest to at this point in time. We play music together and have learned to read one another very well. He's a spectacular father, fun to be around, and a great guy.
3. 4 Things You Would Do With $100,000:
Pay off debts including school loans. Put money down on buying a house,condo, apartment, etc. Furnish and decorate said abode. Two Words: Tropical Vacation.
4. 4 Favorite Books You've Ever Read:
The Invisible Circus: Jennifer Eagan, Where The Heart Is: Billie Letts, Fried Green Tomatoes: Fannie Flagg
The Great Gatsby: F. Scott Fitzgerald (soooooo excited for the new movie). ANYTHING by Sophie Kinsella - its fluff but I love it!
5. 4 Favorite Snack Foods:
Almonds and string cheese, edamame, grapes, tortilla chips to dip in salsa,sour cream, and shredded cheese mix (not healthy- don't care- love it!)
6. 4 Things You Must Do Daily:
Geez I'm so out of a routine I'm not sure I have any dailies....all I can think of is brush teeth, go to the bathroom, shower - everything else seems pretty
This actual weekend was good. The rockstar and I played at a benefit for families that were victims of an apartment fire Friday night. We had a blast with our friends that came up to support us and the cause. We stayed out late and then woke up early to drive a friend who crashed back to their car. We were bad and went through Mcdon's for breakfast but it worked wonders for our hungover selves. We relaxed for awhile before the Rockstar's girls came home from their grandma's and we embarked on an afternoon of shopping and then a quiet evening at home. I worked Sunday and then we had a show Sunday evening. Now its Monday which is actually my Friday (hooray) so I'm working until 4:30 and then off the next two days. I heard around the way that Monday, May 6th is Chardonnay day so I procraimled today "Drinko the Wino" and plan to do just that later this evening. Tomorrow evening I'm attending a Cincinnati Reds game with my sister's and my mom for mom's b-day/mother's day gift. Wednesday evening the Rockstar and I have another show so my days off are looking kind of busy - as always, should be great fun.
Hope ya'll have a great start to your week!
Much Love Always!
Amber Lane