It's time again for Show Us Your Life over at Kelly's Korner. This week its receptions and honeymoons. Once again I will be showing you an idea board of sorts to help us gear up for the big show on 6/25/2010 (if we don't elope before that!!!)
Once again here is The Oasis Golf & Conference Center in Loveland, OH. The ceremony and reception will be taking place here.

This next shot is of their ball room set up for a wedding.

I love the star lights on the wall and think the draping really adds something but I'm not sure if either of those things are routes we're going to take - they're on the maybe list.
Now before we go any further I want to let you know - in case you don't already.... I LOVE pink...love, love, love it makes me ridiculously happy. Therefore I want my wedding to make me feel like this little girl:

Happy and princessy in all her pink things.
Here are some ideas I have found on line:
We already know for a fact that we are having up lights - its contracted with our DJ. I think they will add a lot of ambiance.

(again with the super flowery aisle....I love it)
We also know that we are going to have chair covers and sashes.
Our dilemma is white?

or black?

I like the effect with black but it irritates that if we choose black the head table will still be white...I don't know why but that's the way it is.
Now this next idea I'm not certain on.....

I never thought I wanted balloons at my wedding but I think this idea is simple and actually pretty striking. Of course the balloons would be bubblegum and lipstick and accent in either white or black depending on the linens we choose.
This next image is just a scattering of pink wedding things.

Did I mention- I love pink?
For our favors we 100% know that we are going to have a candy bar.
Here are a couple examples I found on line:

To add a bigger "Wow" factor when the guests enter we are going to have whatever container we choose for them to fill to take home, set up at their place setting as a place card/decoration.
Now as for the cake, thats a tricky one. I see so many cakes that I think are just beautiful its amazing what they can do with a little batter and fondant.
Here are a couple I like today (as it changes daily)

The groom's cake on the other hand will be super easy
This one maybe?

Or this one...

but I would probably not put a picture of us on the screen I would probably somehow create a WOW character ( a game Ben plays) that resembles myself and then through the magic that is computers I would take a screen shot of mine with his to put on there. I would need some gamer nerd help on that one though.
To exit...

Nothing dreamier than sparklers!
Oh and did I mention I'm planning to have a second dress for the reception? Yes indeed.
If anyone knows where I can find a dress like this in white:

Please let me know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and shhhh! Only my bridesmaids are going to know about the dress change its going to be a big surprise!
For our honeymoon we've only discussed two places seriously:

And the Florida Keys

All I know is I want white sandy beaches

Plenty of romance

Lots of shopping

And all the Bennyboo I can stand!
There you have- my ideas for a sickenly pink good time. Looking forward to what Kelly has in store for us next week!
As for me...well tomorrow I turn a quarter century old. To celebrate I'm having dinner at Mimi's Cafe with Ma Mere and Ma Souers and then off to see a movie perhaps The Ugly Truth or Julie and Julia.
Tomorrow its a day of sunbathing, dinner out, cocktails and dancing with Bennyboo and my friends.
Happy Birthday To Moi!
Have a good weekend everyone!
Miss Amber Lane