Here are the directions:
1. Leave me a comment & your e-mail address saying, "Interview me." If you dare.
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. (I get to pick the
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview
someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them
five questions. (I get to choose the questions.)
On to the questions!
1. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Oh Lord..if I tell you the craziest thing I ever did ... me thinks ya'll won't find me so adorable anymore. Let me tell you it involved lots-o-liquor, sparkely shoes sitting bare-assed on a metal futon frame- outside, talking shit to my cat, and throwing up all over the bathroom floor at my momma's house. Or it could be that other time....
2. What is your most prized possession? A doll that my my grandma gave me for my 5th birthday- she was one of the ones that look like a real newborn baby and I named her Laura- it was the last birthday that she was alive for . Laura is also famous- she's played Baby Jesus in a Christmas Play and The Baby born at the end of the song De'Lovely in a Cole Porter review I was in.

3. What movie/song/tv show always makes you tear up?
Love of My Life By Carly Simon- my mom once told me that was her song to me- now everytime I hear it.....water works.
The Lyrics:
I love lilacs and avocados
Ukuleles and fireworks
And Woody Allen and walking in the snow
But you've got to know that
You're the love of my life
You are the love of my life
You are the love of my life
You are the love of my life
>From the moment I first saw you
The second that you were born
I knew that you were the love of my life
Quite simply the love of my life
I love Lucy and pumpernickel bread
The Statue Of Liberty and
standing ovations
And falling into bed
But get it through your head that
You're the love of my life
You are the love of my life
You are the love of my life
You are the love of my life
>From the moment I first saw you
The second that you were born
I knew that you were the love of my life
Quite simply the love of my life
You an drive me crazy
You can drive me anywhere
Here are the keys
Just do as you please
It may not always be easy
But you're the love of my life
My heart is riding on a runaway train
You are the love of my life
through all the pleasure and pain
>From the moment I first saw you
I knew it right away
I knew that you were the love of my life
Simply the love of my life
You are the love
The great love of my life.
4. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Did you do anything close to it?
When I was a child I wanted to be a singer (famous of course) or a teacher. I came close to both. In college I pursued my vocals and joined a Children's Theatre group that toured Europe, Asia and the United States Mid West. I even was asked for autograph- by children under the age of 10 anyway- I sing a lot of karaoke now but would enjoy getting back into a performance mode - as for the teacher part- being an activities is like being a teacher- I tell stories, give quizzes (through trivia), lead crafts, make lesson plans, decorate bulletin boards, etc. etc. Sometimes being an Activities Director is also a lot like being a mom, a waitress, a personal shopper,a vet, a grandaughter, and a friend.
5. What's your favorite thing to do on a rainy day?
That's easy- sleep. There's nothing like taking a nap on a rainy spring day with the windows open and a warm breeze coming in. I also like to play in the rain in the summer - what's better than splashing through warm puddles and not caring what anyone thinks?
And that's all she wrote- if you want to play- comment and I'll email ya some questions.
Now on to a late dinner with the Bennyboo!
Miss Amber Lane
Tonight I'm Feeling: Sleepy, Relaxed, and Hungry
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