Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bad Blogger Baby

Ben and Me Friday night at the Sweetheart's Dance I planned for my residents.

So here I am- back after not blogging for the longest again...I've really being naughty here but I do have a good excuse this time- I have been the slightest bit distracted by the fact that....

I'M ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right ya'll, you read correctly, Miss Amber Lane who bitches and moans about her relationship not progressing and how he's never going to as- is getting married to her best friend and the love of her life!

Can you tell my feet still aren't touching the ground?

I had an inkling that it was going to happen soon sometime early last week. Ben and I had agreed that on Valentines Day we were going to go on one big date to celebrate Valentines and our five year anniversary (which is officially on the 23rd). Ben planned the date and wouldn't give me any information at all except for to tell me that it was going to be the best night of my life. This clue set the wheels a-spinning and I literally vibrated all the way to Saturday in anticipation.

Ben had told me that he made dinner plans but when he came upstairs to retrieve me for our date I realized that we weren't going anywhere- he had made dinner himself while I was upstairs primping and had set our dining room table with candles, wine, and crystal picture frames. We ate dinner together and then I gave him my gift a gift card to Best Buy and a game that he had been wanting.

After he opened his gifts he stood up and came to my chair and told me that he wanted to give me my gift. He pulled me to my feet and wrapped me in the biggest hug, telling me that I'm his best friend and that he loves me more than anything in the world, then told me wanted to ask me something. That's when he sat me back down in my chair then dropped to one knee and asked me to marry him!

I of course said, yes!

Surprisingly I didn't cry- at least not until a few minutes later when he hugged me and remarked that not too far from now I'll be Mrs Amber Smith! Then, tears.

Now that both our families have been told and all of the people that require first hand knowledge I can share with Blogger- even though I've been unfaithful recently. I am aiming to come back regularly now- especially since I plan to document our planning process here.

As of right now nothing is certain except that we love each other more than anything and are so excited to spend the rest of our lives together- we're tossing around dates but right now their all still up in the air- hopefully a confirmation is soon to come!

I'm so excited to start this next step in our lives and so excited to share this special time on blogger so that years from now we can look back and remember what our engagement was really like.

Pictures of our engagement night are soon to follow!

For now- I say goodnight!

Miss Amber Lane

Tonight I'm Feeling: Giddy, loved, excited